
Showing posts from August, 2019

List of Objects in the win32com package for Outlook Application

BCC Returns a  String  ( string  in C#) representing the display list of blind carbon copy (BCC) names for a  MailItem . Read/write. (Inherited from  _MailItem ) BillingInformation Returns or sets a  String  ( string  in C#) representing the billing information associated with the Outlook item. Read/write. (Inherited from  _MailItem ) Body Returns or sets a  String  ( string  in C#) representing the clear-text body of the Outlook item. Read/write. (Inherited from  _MailItem ) BodyFormat Returns or sets an  OlBodyFormat  constant indicating the format of the body text. Read/write. (Inherited from  _MailItem ) Categories Returns or sets a  String  ( string  in C#) representing the categories assigned to the Outlook item. Read/write. (Inherited from  _MailItem ) CC Returns a  String  ( string  in C#) representing the di...